
Merilon is seeking investors...


Business Partners and Investors

Merilon is seeking "accredited" Angel Investors to help set up and establish a new holding structure and "special purpose vehicles" (for each of the projects) prior to a private capital raising and later through ASSOB - a small scale public capital offering board in Australia.

Merilon is openly seeking expressions of interest from potential business partners and investors from any country.

Merilon is also seeking co-founding and financial partners for some Reality TV Series concepts under development. See Partners or contact us for further details.



Merilon is seeking strategic partners and investors to help establish and accelerate our project development. Please contact us if interested in discussing ways you may get involved, such as co-development, financially, or otherwise.









Mailing List

The mailing list is not currently active!

Contact us

If you would like to contact us about anything please email us.

Email: picture